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Govsales - Ex MoD Surplus, Ex Army Trucks, Vehicles & Equipment

Aardvark AMCS MK4R Landmine Clearing Machine (Armoured Plant) - MoD Ref: 50510

Aardvark AMCS MK4R Landmine Clearing Machine (Armoured Plant) - Govsales of mod surplus ex army trucks, ex army land rovers and other military vehicles for sale

Aardvark AMCS MK4R Landmine Clearing Machine (Armoured Plant) - MoD Ref: 50510


Aardvark AMCS MK4R Landmine Clearing machine

Aardvarks multi role dedicated landmine clearance flail, the AMCS, effectively clears anti-vehicle and anti-personnel landmines, either by detonation or disruption and operates in the majority of terrain and environmental conditions encountered in minefields around the world.

The Aardvark AMCS is effective in a variety of ground conditions, both flat and undulating, with gradients of up to 40 degrees. It will clear dense surface scrub of 3m in height and trees with a trunk of 15cm diameter, it will also take out booby traps and trip wires.

Trees and vegetation are reduced to mulch, leaving a level, clear area which can easily be checked by hand teams, if required. To ensure maximum percentage clearance, every piece of ground covered by an Aardvark AMCS is struck with sufficient force to disrupt/destroy and/or detonate surface and sub-surface mines in its path. An automatic contouring device ensures the flail is in contact with the ground at all times. Clearance depths of upto 800mm are achievable.

This machine has been used for demonstration purposes with only 29 working hours and is immediately available ex stock

The above video is fed from the public domain, we accept no responsibility or liability for it's production or use.

CATEGORY Armoured Vehicle
ENGINE New Holland M160 6 Cylinder Turbo 160HP
TYRES 365/85R20
L x W x H 8.00m x 3.60m x 2.70m
HOURS / MILEAGE 29 hours (only)
All prices quoted are GBP U.K. Pounds Sterling Ex. Works excluding VAT where applicable and shipping / associated costs. Vehicles advertised are subject to remaining unsold. All prices quoted are based on "per individual unit"purchased, any reductions on advertised price for multiple item orders is subject to negotiation and is conducted at the time of inspection or provision of LOI. For complete Terms & Conditions See Main Website. Photo's shown above may represent a vehicle type rather than an actual vehicle, vehicles are available serviced and painted to customers preference. An export licence may be required for items sold to customers outside of the U.K. - Click the link to visit our Facebook page for the latest news

Aardvark AMCS MK4R Landmine Clearing Machine (Armoured Plant)
Govsales of Ex Military vehicles for sale, Ex Military Land Rovers for sale, Ex army trucks for sale, MoD Surplus, Ex MoD and NATO Disposals, Ex Military and Nato Plant and Equipment - The UK's leading suppliers of ex. military vehicles

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Call or email us now for a quote or if you have any questions - The UK's leading suppliers of ex. military vehicles

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